Dashfolio 2019 The Author's Professional Dashboard

Horizon line

Preserving our Space-Times of Life

Graphic Bundle 03/10
(Translation published on 2019-08-22)

Let’s reflect back on the earned-value-sustained permanent optimization requirement, with the four modules published in 2014 which I dedicated to the conceptual reframing of our space-times of life, remembering that at the time of publication, the latter seemed more intertwined than ever, due to the interpenetration of social networks.Continue reading

Work in Progress

(Translation published on 2019-01-17)

Let us start into this intermission stage with a "retro-prospectivation" of the usability of a concept demonstration such as mine, which will enable me in a second step to explain why this year’s January update is more time-consuming than usual.Continue reading

Happy New Year !

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