Dashfolio 2019 Intranet+Ultra®

Data transport

Status Notice

This feedback form 2019 is now deactivated. For version 2020 thereof, please go to my Dashfolio 2020.
Target Group
This second contact point is reserved for such internet users and prospective franchisees who are willing to prepare their affiliation with the NetPlusUltra®-sustained master franchising system at the Feedback level. To start a discussion, ask a question, leave a comment, or share your experience, please select a topic on any page of my Webfolio and send your message. The field numbering corresponds to the successive steps of my Testfolio Omega.
Feedback Form
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  •  Feedback form 2019 (v3.7/2022). Author: Daniela BERNDT. Web address: https://dashfolio-2019.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/feedback/. All rights reserved.

    Feedback form 2019 (v3.7/2022). Author: Daniela BERNDT. Web address: https://dashfolio-2019.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/feedback/. All rights reserved.

  •  Feedback form 2019 (v3.7/2022). Author: Daniela BERNDT. Web address: https://dashfolio-2019.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/feedback/. All rights reserved.

    Feedback form 2019 (v3.7/2022). Author: Daniela BERNDT. Web address: https://dashfolio-2019.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/feedback/. All rights reserved.

Legal Value
Considering that my specifications-focused web forms are legitimately legal and binding, since the purpose thereof is to enshrine the technical and legal terms of the "NetPlusUltra®-sustained Master-Franchising Solution for Societal R&D" under construction, all email addresses associated with these web forms are SSL-encrypted.
If the received web form is compliant with the purpose of the underlying access point, an email-based acknowledgement of receipt containing a copy of the transmitted data is sent to the sender. Form fields whose content is incomplete, improperly formatted, or disrespectful of the web form's purpose, automatically invalidate the entire email and forward the latter to the trash folder.
Use of the Data
As progress indicators pertaining to my web-enabled master franchising program, none of the web form-enabled specifications published under my author domain name "daniela-berndt" (which covers the liabilities of reference pertaining to the production costs of the web franchising solution to be deployed) are meant to be fed into MySQL databases. The shorter the web form, the better the web service is integrated "under the hood", i.e. brought to the user through the NetPlusUltra®-secured "Open Sesame Identifier" drawing a conceptual separation line between content and form.
These web forms are essentially designed to secure my access points, against the background of permanent auditing operations, such as the update of existing information (Contact form), or the integration of prospective franchisees and potential sponsoring partners into my address book (Feedback and Affiliation forms).
