Dashfolio 2019 The Author's Professional Dashboard

Horizon line

Work in Progress

(Translation published on 2019-01-17)

Let us start into this intermission stage with a "retro-prospectivation" of the usability of a concept demonstration such as mine, which will enable me in a second step to explain why this year’s January update is more time-consuming than usual.


  • Concern 1 • In terms of conceptual legitimacy, such a publication is conceived so as to establish the sustainable conceptual separation of concerns pertaining to the purpose of the legal entity to be created.

  • Concern 2 • From a legal perspective, the underlying feasibility audit shall serve to set up an inventory of all laws and regulations pertaining to such concerns, with a view to making it work (conceptually speaking) by redefining to better (re)integrate.

  • Concern 3 • In financial terms, such an approach is intended to lay the groundwork for the meta-reporting perimeter to be developed, considering that the latter will be sustainably constituted of two accounting sides of reference under permanent optimization (assets and liabilities), in the moral and financial interest of the self-authored web services provider.

  • Concern 4 • As a web concept solution, the NetPlusUltra® rationale must provide, in the organisational and techn(olog)ical fields, for the establishment of a material separation line between contents related respectively to the individual dimensions of the web franchised author’s life project, and the collective issues of the web services to be provided by the latter.

  • Concern 5 • In terms of service internationalization with due respect for the expression of cultural diversities, the main concern is to (be enabled to) guarantee, at each level of the R&D process, that the solution to be provided will remain duly "glocalized" in compliance with the conceptual specifications sheet.

  • Concern 6 • As a token for sustainable self-fundability, the renewability of a proof of added value with regard to the whole will depend on the guarantee of conceptual integr(ativ)ity inherent in any web solution to be developed by the (future) Codex+Ultra® (reserved for franchised members).

  • Concern 7 • As a consequence, the websites of my web concept demonstration will retain their full value, as the many building blocks of one and the same master proof of (concept of) feasibility, until the full resolution of all issues raised in my return on audit experience of 2016, by which time all related contents will have been redeployed according to updated specifications.


With a published conceptual frame of reference that has reached maturity, the focus is now shifting to preparing the redeployment thereof, which will occur in conjunction with the implementation of the web services platform to be made operational.

The purpose of the new year's update in progress is therefore to prepare the upcoming upgrade to RapidWeaver 8, which implies the addition of a stopover page to each of my websites, with a view to further (linguistic) search engine optimization at a later stage.

The integration of such a stopover page (not to be confounded with a traditional Marketing-oriented landing page) slightly modifies the length of each of my web addresses by the corresponding two-letter country code:

Before the integration of a stopover page:
  • Homepage FR: https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation
  • Homepage EN: https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/english/
  • Homepage DE: https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/deutsch/
After the integration of a stopover page:
  • Stopover (index): https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation
  • Homepage FR: https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation/fr/
  • Homepage EN: https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/
  • Homepage DE: https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation/de/
Please note that by affecting the entirety of my Webfolio's weblinks, the redeployment in progress will disrupt my intersite traffic during the whole month of January 2019.

Websites already updated:
Websites remaining to be updated:
As regards other pending issues, all I can do right now is thank you for your patience, and postpone the publication of further details about this year's agenda to February.

Daniela BERNDT
This post in French / German