Dashfolio 2019 The Author's Professional Dashboard

Horizon line

The Unbearable Duality of Being

Graphic Bundle 01/10
(Translation published on 2019-06-30)

Let us consider this transversal remastering path starting with the three websites which I designed and/or redeveloped in 2016/2017 using Nick Cates’ "N Spire Deux" theme template, whose "multi-purposeful design" is particularly well suited to the imagineering of complex concept demonstrations:
  1. The Lifefolio website, dedicated to my "life project" perimeter (1), has been enriched by a new layer of forewords pertaining to the purpose of the revision in progress.

  2. The redirection pages of my concept demonstration Metafolio (3) have been replaced with Stacks pages and extended with accordeon-style FAQ menus.

  3. My personal Namefolio blog (5), which provides for the conceptual coverage of the "brand identity" issue, has been refreshed with an overall status update.

Last but not least: the Cookies pages (2, 4, 6) allow to reconsider my conceptual demonstration path from the fLaws-of-hypertime perspective, i.e. from beyond the legal void with regard to which the cookie, as a "witness file" supposed to log the internet user's browsing habits, should (be) enable(d) (by) the latter to find his·her way back in (hyper)times of trouble.

Daniela BERNDT
This post in French / German

Further reading
  1. https://lifefolio.daniela-berndt.foundation
  2. https://lifefolio.daniela-berndt.foundation/cookies/
  3. https://www.daniela-berndt.ovh
  4. https://www.daniela-berndt.ovh/cookies/
  5. https://www.daniela-berndt.name
  6. https://www.daniela-berndt.name/cookies/