Dashfolio 2019 Version 3.9.1/2024

Processing capacity

Recommended "Base+" Configuration for MacOS

As part of the development of my WordPress-based multisite installation in an OVH-hosted Performance server environment, planned for this year, all websites of my concept demonstration Webfolio will undergo a thorough third revision as well (v3.0/2019), upon release of the Mac App Store version of RapidWeaver 8.
Website Administration
Conception, production, texts and translations
Daniela BERNDT, Manager of the NetPlusUltra® Web Program:

To subscribe to my RSS-enabled catch-up feed
Please visit my publication agenda:

To join my web production environment
Please use my pre-registration form:
System Preferences
Operating System and version
Developed under macOS High Sierra v10.13.6:

General security and privacy settings
Set to Mac 1: "Allow apps from: Mac App Store":
Web Hosting Services
Internet Service and Web Hosting Provider
OVH France:

Professional ADSL solution
Express package:

Web hosting solution
Professional package:
Web Design Software
Versions 3.0/2019+ of my Webfolio
RapidWeaver 8 (Mac App Store version), by Realmac Software:

Versions 2.0/2017+ of my Webfolio
RapidWeaver 7 (Mac App Store version), by Realmac Software:

Versions 1.0/2013+ of my Webfolio
RapidWeaver 5 (Mac App Store version), by Realmac Software:
Website Theme Template
Versions 2.0/2019+ of this Dashfolio 2019
Fortress (latest version), by Nick Cates Design:
Third-Party Extensions
Slideshow stack(v3.6/2021+)
Superflex (created by Nick Cates Design), taken over by Joe Workman (Weaver's Space):

Timeline stack (v3.6/2021+)
Responsive Timeline (latest version), by One Little Designer:

FAQ presentation stack (v3.0/2019+)
FAQ 2 (latest version), by Doobox Software:

Content protection stack (v2.3/2019+)
  • Protect (last version before discontinuation), by Weavers Kingdom.
  • Alternative stack: Restrict Content, by One Little Designer:

Image gallery stack (v2.0/2019+)
Photo (latest version), by Nick Cates Design:

Stacks-enabled webpage creation plugin (v1.0/2015+)
Stacks (latest version), by YourHead Software:
Visual Banner Contents
Website header logo
Created by Daniela BERNDT with Logoist:

Banner image of the stopover and "Masterfolio" pages
By "Alexas_Photos" on Pixabay:

Images of the banner slideshow of the "Cookies" page
Various sources:

Banner image of the homepage
By "Free-Photos" on Pixabay:

Images of the homepage chart
References from left to right and top to bottom: 606761, 3524352, 2493419, 3268750, 594091, 2433476, 2838914, 2791440, 606766:

Banner images of the "Weblog" and "Slidefolio" pages
By "Free-Photos" on Pixabay:

Banner image of the "Contact" page
By "SarahRichterArt" on Pixabay:

Banner image of the "Feedback" page
By "cpmacdonald" on Pixabay:

Banner image of the "Affiliation" page
By "Geralt" on Pixabay:

Banner image of the "End Credits" page
By "ColiN00B" on Pixabay:

Banner image of the sitemap
By "adamtepl" on Pixabay:
Legal Information
GDPR compliancy audit
Published in June 2018 on my Techfolio Omega:

Must a website be declared?
Read the French answer to that question:

Anti-plagiarism protection
Copyscape, by Indigo Stream Technologies:
